We’d like to feature all our videos, but here are some that really show off what we do. When the concept, the cast, the directing, editing, visual effects and music all come together in the right way, the result can be pretty special.
Our entire library of hundreds of videos is tagged and searchable, so type in what you’re after and see what you find.
We started out making videos for the Internet, but then this new tech called television came along. People seem to enjoy it so now we make a lot of commercials for TV, too.
We love working with new companies that have new ideas that need to be introduced to the world. But just about every brand needs to explain who they are or what they do, and we’re the experts on explanation.
Sometimes you don’t need a spokesperson or a cute mascot. Sometimes you just need your customers talking about how much they love you. So we get real people to tell their stories in a way that feels authentic and heartfelt.
Animation lets us break out of the real world and explore entirely new ways to tell your story. Our animated spots catch viewers’ attention with bold, innovative, even experimental visuals. And they’re a lot of fun to make.
Documentaries are a powerful way to depict your brand. We go in-depth on what you do and how you do it, exploring your ideas, your work, your team and your customers. The resulting work is always genuine, honest, insightful.
A commercial doesn’t have to be a commercial. It can be a sitcom or a podcast or a game or a cartoon, brought to the world by you. (And us. We’ll help you make it, and make it amazing.)
We weren’t about to let these challenging times stop us from doing the work we do. We just had to invent some ways to do it differently. Safely. And with all the goodness we’re known for.
Sometimes, the best way to share the value of a product is with a good, simple story. With characters, and feelings, and a beginning, middle and end. Here are some of those.
Our videos can be educational, innovative, sometimes even cool. But these are our recommendations for when you just want to sit back and enjoy the show.
We’ve been using graphics to help tell stories since our earliest projects. They’re incredibly effective at communicating information, plus we get to make actors pretend to interact with things that aren’t there.
Do you like gags, goofs, and high jinks? Sure, we all do. Sometimes the best way to make a memorable spot is to make it jokey, and here are some of our jokiest.
We love incorporating big-screen techniques into our small-screen videos. It gives them a richness and drama that helps them stand out from the crowd. Get some popcorn and enjoy a few of our favorites.
You may not think of music as being the most important part of a video, but...it kinda is. Music is absolutely essential to creating a mood and getting a reaction from the viewer.
We’re fortunate to work with some of the most innovative companies around, bringing beautiful new ideas to the world. Our favorite thing is to help introduce exciting new tech, and here are some of the best ways we’ve done it.
Our founder got his start in visual effects, and they are woven into just about everything we make today, from motion graphics to CG to tricky shots you may not even notice as being completely created in post.
Here are a few of Adam's favorite videos he's directed,
handpicked just for you.
Here are a few of JP's favorite videos he's directed,
handpicked just for you.
Here are a few of Claude's favorite videos he's directed,
handpicked just for you.