Featured Client
For Stitch Fix,
taking on a new agency
was a perfect fit.

Stitch Fix is a service that hand-selects clothing based on your unique style and size, then ships it right to your door. In 2016, they were ready to expand their advertising from online to TV, but wanted to test the waters with performance-driven, direct-response testimonials. So they got in touch with us.

Meet Stitch Fix

We’re known for introducing and explaining exciting new things to people, using whichever method is the most effective. Testimonials are one of the tools in our toolbox, but Stitch Fix trusted us to bring something new to the format, and execute at the highest quality.


Style That Fits

We wanted to explain how Stitch Fix works through the words of their customers, but we always prioritized emotion over process. Sure, Stitch Fix is all about convenience, but what it’s really about is confidence—feeling good about yourself and comfortable in your own skin.


We captured that feeling on film and…it worked:

“For our first TV campaigns we hired a ‘big’ agency to produce one ad and we hired Sandwich for another. The Sandwich work surpassed our expectations and was far more successful for us than the campaign from the larger agency.”

- Julie Bornstein Former COO, Stitch Fix

Price Range

What started as an experiment became a core part of Stitch Fix’s marketing strategy for the next few years. Sandwich helped create one successful campaign after another, constantly evolving and refining our approach.