Wow what a year! Enjoy this retrospective on the projects we’ve worked on in 2023.
Soul in the Machine
We like making videos. We also love it when our videos help startups break literal records. This video is as smooth as your Meticulous espresso, and it launched them to be one of the most funded food Kickstarters in history.
Expertise in a Deck of Cards
Let’s get Pippy! These nifty little cards give you expert knowledge in your back pocket. In this colorful spot (shot at our very own Sandwich office) we follow several coworkers as they up their office game.
Art Gives Me Feelings
Art really is for everyone. Starring and directed by Syra McCarthy, Peggy gives us all the feelings. Swap out your old art and your old lovers.
Build Something New
Hardware is really hard to make (that’s why it’s called hardware, right?) Oh wait, no it’s not and it’s also not that hard because Flux exists. Flux makes things easy for designers.
Device Harmony
Security and device management, coming together at last. Get ready to elbow pump your teammate and know that Kandji has your back.
Woof, I Feel You, Dog
A talking dog?! You betcha. We hired a talking dog. Just kidding, we spent time working with 3D artists to bring the talking dog to life, which is just as magical.
A Case of the Hot Corgis
In this spot we got to work with some of the most talented actors in the ‘biz. Those actors were dogs. Listen carefully and you may recognize some of the puppy voiceover actors.
You’re a genius. Why? Because you use Postman. We were happy to work with Postman again this year to launch their new product Flows, a way to visually make apps for everyone. We think it’ll be big.
It's Cool
Too hot in your house? Can’t meditate? Can’t work? Is that sweat or tears? Don’t worry about all of that because MRCOOL keeps your room… well, you guessed it, COOL!
Massive vs. Browser
Motion capture, 3D animation, comedian robots. About halfway through making this video the client spun down the product and had no need for the video. But did that stop us? No way. We kept going and now you, kind viewer, get to enjoy the fruits. Robotic fruits.
Come and Play
Want an image of an astronaut eating cake? Playground can generate that for you so fast, you won’t even have a chance to say “OH MY GOD.”
Hungry? Yes, you probably are. And so is your ENTIRE office. No sweat though because ezCater makes things “ez.” Get all the tacos and sandwiches in a split.
Secure Every Second
The clock is ticking. Every. Second. Matters! Cybersecurity threats are fast, but believe us, Sysdig is faster.